Friday, February 5, 2010

Rats---UGH! How to get rid of them?

I have a friend whose house has become INFESTED with rats. I don't care how I kill them---I am staying there for a week and I will kill them, drown them, shoot them, poison them...there is an elderly dog and an elderly cat there and they must not be harmed...suggestions?Rats---UGH! How to get rid of them?
Get PVC pipes (2'; in diameter) and place bait on bottom. Pipes should be at least 3' long and capped securely on the bottom...cap is primed then glued to pipe. Baited pipe should be standing upright (vertical) and should fixed into that position. The bait can be peanuts.

Place trap near a surface they the rats are known to be on so they will walk over to it smell peanuts and go down. Place plastic over the top and a rubber band over that and wait long enough for it to expire...reset trap.Rats---UGH! How to get rid of them?
I manage two apartment buildings, and one of them was infested with rats because one of the tenants were not clean, she always kept her trash for days, and that’s what brought rats to the property, anyway, I’ve used rat poison (three Kinds), didn’t work, I’ve used traps (didn’t work), I’ve used devices that repels rats (didn’t work), the only thing that really worked is something called “Catch Master”, it is glued card, and I bought it from Wal-Mart, along with some cheese and peanut butter.

I set the bait at the middle of the card and kept it in small cracks and at the basement, the next day I found all cards busy with rats.

Just be careful that your cat and your dog cannot reach the places where you set the cards, if it happened it won’t harm them you can take it off any time.

Good Luck.
i would move the animals that you want safe, out of the house for the week. Take them to a friends house or pay to have them sheltered and bomb this house and put out poison. If you find any, kill them. Find how they are getting into the house or these measures will be in vain. Steel wool is good for blocking small openings in the foundation, in which a lot of rodents like to shimmy through. Goodluck.
Old fashioned rat traps are the most reliable, put them out at night along the edge of walls where there droppings have been seen. Bait with peanut butter, it sticks to the trigger keeping the rat long enough to get squirshed. Throw the trap away once it's caught something, other rats won't go near it.

Once you're catching up with the battle, an electronic repellant works great. I have two in my home and I don't have mice, rats, bugs or anything any more.
you're screwed.

poison will kill both

drowning them will be rough unless you don't mind being bitten and scratched by a potentially sick rat

shooting them will likely get the cops called and the house and pets prolly shot

try getting some traps and put them places the cat can't go like under the fridge etc. that's your only shot.
Okay, here are a few that I've done with my parents.

Once we got a young, lively cat, I havent seen a rat in maybe TWO years. (no kidding) Cats definently help. Or, you can just kill that rats yourslef. Go to a store and ask what they have to say about it. THey give you many opptions of ways to kill rats (weather its a snicky pad thigy, or just a normal mouse trap) or, call an exterminater-cuz rats are nasty!
You need some Havahart live catch traps. The ones that will catch a rat probably are much too small for the cat, but won't hurt her even if it does catch her.

Once you've got 'em, kill 'em once for me. They're all over our building at work.
Okay well don't put poison out that WILL harm the dog the cat is probably smart enough not to eat it.. anyway just put traps were the dog and cat can't get to because the dog and cat might want the cheese.... and ya...
go to your local farm and feed store. They have a large variety of rat poisins.

We have several where we live. I don't know where you live so I don't know how many stores you have. I live in South East Texas
Call an exterminator who deals with rodent pests. That's the most sure proof way and then you can ensure the pets won't be harmed by anything, too!!!
umm i say you set out a BUNCH OF RAT TRAPS!!

and keep the cat and dog in a seperate room

good luck!!
try rat poison, traps, anything!! hate rate!!
get some young cat and they will take care or them for you, not old cats.
call animal control?
Rats? or Mice? Poison is all I can think of....

but Dear God, Bless you
M16 rifle and hand grenades
rat poison DUH!
Get a lot of young cats and snakes
rat traps... or hire an exterminator if you dont want to deal with it
get an ulta-sonic device....they hate that noise and leave.

buy a product online. they are good
Kill them!? Don't even think of it. Get HUMANE traps and let those rats go free in the wild. If you kill them, I will make sure the same thing happens to you.

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